RMYC Mnarja Inshore Weekend

RMYC Mnarja Inshore Weekend

We are pleased to advise that the next Racing event on the RMYC Racing Calendar will the the Mnarja Inshore Weekend, which will kick off this Saturday, 27th June at 14:00hrs from Marsamxett Harbour.

Race Briefing will take place on the Club’s Terrace at 1915hrs on Thursday 25th June

Schedule of Events

Race Day 1                Saturday 27th June              14:00 hrs. 1st warning signal (Marsamxett)
Race Day 2                Sunday   28th June              11.00 hrs  1st warning signal (Marsamxett)
Race Day 3                Monday  29th June              11:00 hrs. 1st warning signal (Marsamxett)

Prize Giving               To be advised at a later date.

Racing Programme

Racing Classes Cruiser Class
Saturday 27th June 1 Medium Distance Race 1 Medium Distance Race
Sunday 28th June Max 3 Short Inshore Races 2 Medium Distance Races
Monday 29th June Max 3 Short Inshore Races 2 Medium Distance Races

We would appreciate if you could send your intentions to the Club Secretariat via email on info@rmyc.org as soon as possible.

Inshore RacingRMYCRoyal Malta Yacht Club