Counterfeit Beatles Gig

Counterfeit Beatles Gig

Have you marked your calendar for Saturday 11thJune?

The Royal Malta Yacht Club will be hosting the Counterfeit Beatleson the Club’s roof, bringing a bit of the Swinging Sixties to the Club.  The Counterfeit Beatles haveestablished themselves as one of the best tribute bands around.

Tickets for entrance to this event will be sold at €20 fromthe Club Secretariat. 

For those wishing to stave off their hunger pangs amouth-watering food selection is being prepared and will include Green ThaiChicken Curry, Yellow Vegetable Curry, Steamed Jasmine Rice and Casava Crackers. Food vouchers will be sold for €15.

Entrance and food tickets are to be bought by not later than Wednesday 8thJune. No tickets will be sold at the door. 

Let’s bring the house down…….well not literally, but you get our drift! 

We hope to see many of you on Saturday 11th June!