2019 | St. Patrick’s Weekend Regatta

2019 | St. Patrick’s Weekend Regatta

We hope you are gearing up for our next race which is the St. Patrick’s Gozo Weekend and giving you a heads up of dates to take note of!

Wednesday 13th March  | 19:30hrs | Race Briefing
Friday 15th March | Race up, followed by Happy Hour Friday
Saturday 16th March | Races and organised meal in the evening  – open to family and friends
Sunday 17th March | Races
Tuesday 19th March | 18:30hrs | Prize Giving at RMYC

Race documents will be available shortly and we will be sharing more detailed info in the coming days, in the meantime we would appreciate if you could let us know of your intentions by sending an email to info@rmyc.org.

In the meantime we are also calling for volunteers to help out on the water on the Saturday and Sunday. Starting at 9:30am. If you can make it please send an email to Race Officer Peter Dimech on peterdimech@onvol.net.  Much appreciated!

We take this opportunity to remind you, unless you haven’t already done sot,  to revalidate your Rating certificates for 2019. Please do not leave to the very last minute!

In the meantime…. Sláinte!


GozoRoyal Malta Yacht ClubSailing