Whilemost boats are all kitted out for summer cruising, the RMYC team have come upwith a new concept – the Bay Weekend Regatta, which will be held on the weekendof the 2nd September.
This BayWeekend Regatta will see crews race to a choice of 7 bays over theweekend, the details and locations of which will depend on wind and weatherconditions – we will play it by ear to make it more interesting. The mainobjective of this weekend is fun, so although there will be racing involved there will be fun social events for everyone to enjoy.
Theplan is to leave the RMYC on Friday at 13:00hrs – race to a Bay(announced closer to the day), drop anchor and stop for a BBQ around18:30hrs and then chill until the morning.
OnSaturday 3rd September, crews will race to the next secluded bay, where some fun and games and anotherrelaxed early evening BBQ will await them.
Mostof the bays selected for the BBQs are somewhat remote bays, many onlyaccessible by sea. A rib will be present throughout the weekend and will assistwith the ferrying of crews from yachts to land, however boats are encouraged tobring their own tender. The Rib willalso serve as anchor watch, whilst everyone is on land.
OnSunday morning, we will race back to the Club where we will have theRegatta’s Prize Giving – the Club will be feeding hungry crews and a band willentertain the crowd, wrapping up what we promise to be a great weekend for all!
Ifthe above was not enough to entice you to take part, we’re throwing in somecool prizes – a weekend break, dinner vouchers and accommodation at the RoyalThames Yacht Club between the 6th and 8th January 2017 coinciding with the London Boat Show, await the lucky winners.
Wewant to emphasise that this is a fun event, so we do encourage as many of youto attend and invite non-members to join in the fun – kids and pets arewelcome. Those boats not having an IRC Rating can apply for an RMYC Cruiserrating, which can be provided by the Club Secretariat, free of charge.
Racedocuments will be uploaded shortly but in the meantime the only plans you needto make for the weekend are to be able to be at the Club on the startline on Friday 2nd September ready to go where the windwill take you!
RaceBriefing will be held on Wednesday 31st August at 19:00hrs atthe RMYC
Seeyou then!