RMYC Sailors’ Survey

RMYC Sailors’ Survey

Dear Members, especially the Sailors,

SAILORS' SURVEY:  https://goo.gl/forms/xPrxf4TpOxc39asG2 

Now that the 2018 Committee has started settling into their various roles, I write to everyone for the first time in my capacity as Rear Commodore Sailing. 

It saddens me to see how our fleet of boats that race and the number of active sailors has dwindled. When I started racing the sailing scene was alive, buzzing and lots of fun. Needless to say, I got hooked. I still dream of those days when there were 15 or 20 boats on the water, the fierce competition and comraderie, enemies on the water and buddies in the bar..

We all know that the world is constantly changing and we all have so much to do, but I struggle to understand why there isn’t as much interest. Which is why, the 2018 committee would like to try to identify what it is that makes the sailor inside each and every one of you come out, wanting to go sailing and racing. Even though we have some ideas, including some subsidies and schemes, we need to hear it from you – what the sailors like, want and dislike.

Join us for a few beers and a sailors meeting (for all sailors, not just members) next WEDNESDAY 21st MARCH at 7pm at the RMYC and let your voice be heard rather than just blown away in the wind. Come and have a drink or two on the house! 

Meanwhile, please take a few minutes to fill in our Sailors' Questionnaire (I promise it will only take 5 minutes)


See you all next week,

Maya Podesta

Rear Commodore, Sailing