RMYC Restaurant Bookings

RMYC Restaurant Bookings

We remind you that The Galley and Club Restaurant is serving dinner from Wednesday to Saturday.

We appreciate that these are not normal times, so making a reservation is going to be more important than ever with capacity and spacing requirements.  Reservations give a clear outlook of service needs which will ensure the pleasing dining experience that you are used to.

If you are not yet aware, our restaurant has adopted health protocols that allow our patrons to dine in comfort and safety that includes social distancing, hygiene, staffing and operations, and cleaning and disinfecting.

So if you plan on having dinner, do let us know by not later than 4pm on the day you intend popping over.  Just give us a call on +356 21 333109 or +356 2131 8418


RestaurantRMYCThe Galley