RMYC Coastal Cruises

RMYC Coastal Cruises

The Royal Malta Yacht Club announced its first event on its racing calendar which will kick off on Saturday 1st February, with a Coastal Cruise.

The schedule for these series of cruises will be as follows –  1st, 8th , & 29th  February, 7th March – all these dates will have a First Warning Signal at 13:55hrs. On the 14th March a Round Comino Cruise will take place, in this case the First Warning Signal will be at 11.55hrs. The Maximum Time limit will be at 17.30hrs each race day.

All races shall be short coastal races, with the Start being a line between a Flag set up beneath St Elmo, to the Tigne Tower flag pole.  The Finish line will be set up between a Flag at the Club upper terrace and the corner of the Floriana bastions opposite.

The Club encourages all Cruisers to attend, and is open to Non-RMYC Members.  Those interested may enter by completing the on-line Entry form found at rmyc.org, by 20.00hrs on the day before racing. Entry fee is €10.00 per race. Notice of Race can be download below.

For more information please send an email to info@rmyc.org

Coastal CruisingCruisesRMYC