RMYC Boxing Day Fun Race Raises €2,600 for L-Istrina

RMYC Boxing Day Fun Race Raises €2,600 for L-Istrina

The Royal Malta Yacht Club’s annual Boxing Day Fun Race took place today, bringing together the sailing community for a day of festive fun and charity in aid of L-Istrina, the annual fundraising telethon aimed towards raising funds for the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation.

The event raised €2,600 in contributions, showcasing the generosity and spirit of the Club’s members and participants.

The fleet set off on a short, light-hearted race under the watchful eye of Race Officer Martin Azzopardi. The start was marked by the presence of Dr Anthony Spiteri Debono, spouse of the President of Malta, who joined the occasion to lend his support.

Prizes were awarded to the best-dressed boat and crew in both the keelboat and dinghy categories, adding an extra dose of creativity and festivity to the event.  The prize for the Keelboat Category was presented to the crew of Jarhead, whilst the prize for the dinghy category went to the Ripard family – Sebastian, Carla and young Olivia who made it a family outing on the water.

As part of a long-standing Club tradition, participants were treated to home made mince pies – prepared by Club Committee Member Amata Camilleri and mulled wine at the Club following the race.

“The Royal Malta Yacht Club would like to express its gratitude towards all who participated and contributed to this event, further underlining the Club’s commitment to supporting the local community during the festive season” remarked Mark Napier, Vice Commodore, Royal Malta Yacht Club.