Fifty Six years and going strong – the RMYC Malta – Syracuse Race

Fifty Six years and going strong – the RMYC Malta – Syracuse Race

Datingback to the sixties, the Malta-Syracuse Race, organised by the Royal MaltaYacht Club in conjunction with the Lega Navale Italiana (Sezione Siracusa), isthe oldest race on the Club’s calendar.  A very popular race, wellattended by Maltese and Sicilian boats alike, this race has also become ahighlight of the Sicilian racing calendar.


The startof the race alternates each year, one year starting from Malta and the nextstarting from Syracuse. 


Now inits 56th edition, the 85 nautical mile race will start in Malta and will takeplace on Saturday 16th July and boats from Sicily are expected to startarriving for the event a few days before the Skippers’ Briefing, which willtake place on Friday 15th July on the Club’s roof at 19:00hrs.


TheMalta-Syracuse Race, typically attracts a fleet of over seventy boats with thehighest participation registered in 2010 when the race celebrated its fiftiethyear.


In 2014Massimo Savoca’s Dreamer Tech established a course record when he completed therace in 08:37:22. With last year’s weather conditions making it impossible forcrews to beat the time clocked by Savoca in 2014, the gauntlet has been thrownto boats wishing to register a new record.


Theprize-giving ceremony will take place at the Lega Navale in Syracuse on Sunday.


Registrationsare being accepted at the Club’s Secretariat during office hours throughout theweek.  


Moreinformation on the 56th Edition of the Malta-Syracuse Race can be found on, alternativelycontact the Club Secretariat on +356 21 333109.