54th Malta Syracuse Edition – Course Record Tumbles

54th Malta Syracuse Edition – Course Record Tumbles

Dreamer Tech, skippered by Massimo C. Savoca scorchedthrough the finish line at Porto Piccolo, Siracusa in 8 hours 37 minutes and 22seconds flat,

effectively demolishing Strait Dealer’s previousrecord of 9 hours 42 minutes and 25 seconds by overan hour.

On corrected time, Oil Tanking Juno fromthe Royal Malta Yacht Club scored an impressive result, taking the much of thesilver home by winning the IRC class, the ORC class & the Overall. The racewas blessed with a fresh West to NorthWest breeze that pushed the fleet along the MaltaChannel, allowing for the leading boats to reach Capo Passero well beforesunset, and on to a downward run to round the second turning point at Murro DelPorco, followed by a short leg towards the finish line.

In IRC Otra Vez, another local yachtsecured a respectable 2nd, and in ORC, Escape, another Maltesecontender, claimed the 3rd place. The quick passage allowed forpractically all the teams to secure their yachts to the pontoons and seek theirfavourite restaurant before closing time. In previous editions, the race wouldsometimes last until mid morning of the next day.

Dreamer Tech has set a much higherchallenge for any contender vying to beat the new record, and it will not beeasy to break. But this is only popular speculation and should the favourableconditions present themselves next year, the record could well be broken again.

Prize giving was held at the Lega NavaleDi Siracusa at 20.00hrs on the following day.

The full results can be viewed atwww.rmyc.org

By Paul Ellul